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Rescator.LA - Rescator.SO - Octavian.SU
The only official & genuine shop links. All others are clone rippers!
List of known clone ripper sites demanding activation fee to register:

These sites are not affiliated with us in any way and copied only to scam your money. Beware and let us know of any additional sites you may approach.
Refund & Replace policy
- Daily updates are released at 7:00 AM Eastern Time and only available for VIP customers having 12% Discount Motivation Rating. One hour later at 8 AM Eastern Time available to everyone else
- We provide no replacements for the first 24 hours on freshly released, %95-100 valid rate databases. After 24 hours:
If you are buying less than 20 cards default replacement time is 1 Hour
If you are replacing %0-10 of purchases from this base: 48 Hours
If you are replacing %11-15 of purchases from this base: 24 Hours
If you are replacing %16-25 of purchases from this base: 12 Hours
If you are replacing %26-35 of purchases from this base: 6 Hours
If you are replacing %36-50 of purchases from this base: 1 Hour
If you are replacing more than %50 of purchases from this base: No Future Replacements for this base
- Some of the databases may have no replacements at all due to high valid rate of %95 and above. Some of the old databases may have a replacement policy of 24 hours. Always check a replacement time for the base you are purchasing from by hovering over the clocks image next to the database in the search pane.
- No money back. We are not a bank. Once you upload money to your account balance It cannot be sent back anywhere else. Balance can only be spent in shop. Cannot be withdrawn from the shop at any circumstances.
- Save all your purchases locally. We are not a cloud service. All purchases are removed every 2 months for security purposes.
- You can only use two (2) usernames in the shop. Violation of this rule will lead to ban.
- Dump replacement available only in Dump Orders section. Automatic refund is issued upon using a built in checker by pressing the green Check It button next to your purchase. We are not replacing or refunding any of your purchases in ICQ, Jabber or Ticketing System. Refund is issued automatically and only inside the shop itself.
- Accuracy of State, City, Zip Code and Phone number is not guaranteed. Information is provided AS-IS the way It came in the database. No refunds on mismatch.
- BINs marked in RED as "Dump or cc of this particular bank (BIN) cannot be replaced or refunded." at the time of purchase are non-refundable for a reason because of the high sensitivity to authorization requests and nuero-filter triggering.
- We do not know and cannot guarantee any balance on dumps/cards you purchase.
- We are not replacing Call for Authorization & Regional Lock dumps.
- We never replace dumps that show APPROVED in our shop`s checker.
- We no longer issue refunds for United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates cards. These cards are very sensitive to authorization requests and nuero-filtering, meaning they will die after first initial check in 2-3 minutes. We are lowering the price to $6 for Visa and $7 for MasterCard, but NO replacements from now on.
- Valid rate of all our bases differs from %40 to %100. Always check current valid rate in the News page. You may be banned If you`re replacing more than 20% of your entire order.
- We reserve the right to to lock any account without explanation and no balance refund issuance (for those who like to use dumps to full potential and then coming back for a refund).
- Credit Cards with cvv2 replacement policy is 5 minutes to several hours depending on the database starting the moment of purchase in same automatic manner inside shop only.
- Credit Cards with VBV or MSC are sold as non-refundable. We're selling VBV & MSC for a fraction of It's market cost, so we reserve the right not to refund these cards.
- Credit Card replacement available only in CC Orders section. Automatic refund is issued upon using a built in checker by pressing the green Check It button next to your purchase. We`re not replacing or refunding any of your purchases in ICQ, Jabber or Ticketing System. Refund is issued automatically and only inside the shop itself.
- No refunds on AVS "Address Verification System" mismatch.
- No refunds on incomplete CC address and Phone number. If you purchased the card with incomplete address, that`s how It came in the hacked database, meaning this is how the original owner used It online.
- Политика замены
- Замена по дампам в течении 6 часов (время замены может изменится в зависимости от уровня валида базы) с момента покупки
- Заменить дамп можно только в разделе Dump orders чекнув его нашей чекалкой, и получить возврат автоматически
- Мы не заменяем дампы через ICQ, Jabber или в Системе Тикетов, получить возврат можно только автоматически, непосредственно в магазине.
- Мы не гарантируем сумму на дампах.
- Мы не заменяем дампы, Сall for Authorization и Region Lock.
- Мы никогда не заменяем дампы, которые получили Approval 00 при запросах авторизации суммы на чекерах.
- Мы больше не делаем замен по картам United Kingdom & United Arab Emirates, в связи с тем что после чека они умирают через 2-3 минуты, и все приходят их заменять как не рабочие. Мы снижаем на них цены до 6 долларов за визу, и 7 за мастеркард, но больше никаких замен.
- Карты с VBV или MSC не подлежат возврату или замене в связи с ценами вдвое ниже рыночных.
- Валидность наших баз варируется от %70 до %100. Если вы начинаете возмещать покупки более чем на 20-30%, вы можете быть автоматически забанены.
- Мы оставляем за собой право заблокировать любой акаунт без объяснения причин и не возвращать деньги с баланса (это касается тех, кто любит попользовать дампы, а потом придти их заменить).
- Замена по картам от 5 минут до нескольких часов с момента покупки и только в автоматическом режиме.
- Мы не заменяем карты с неполными адресами AVS (Z) или адресами которые не проходят Address Verification System.
- Все правила замены для дампов также подходят и по картам.